Mammografia - na pewno pożyteczna?

Ikselka Data ostatniej zmiany: 2011-03-22 18:52:29

Mammografia - na pewno pożyteczna?

2011-03-21 01:08:59 - Ikselka

(...)This raises some obvious and worrisome questions: Did the x-rays
and/or the sometimes torturous compression of breasts during mammography
actually spur cancer to develop? Or does this just look like an increase in
the disease rate because mammography is simply identifying more cases of
breast cancer?

The answer to the first question is that no one knows (and it isn't
addressed in the Archives of Internal Medicine study). But the second
question has an unexpected and ? for those interested in the human body's
innate ability to heal itself ? potentially paradigm-shifting answer. The
researchers say they can't blame the increased incidence of breast cancer
on more cases being found because the rates among regularly screened women
remained higher than rates among women of the same age who only received
mammograms once after six years. Bottom line: the scientists conclude this
indicates that some of the cancers detected by mammography would have
spontaneously regressed if they had never been discovered on a mammogram
and treated, usually with chemotherapy and radiation. Simply put, it
appears that some invasive breast cancers simply go away on their own,
healed by the body's own immune system.

Per-Henrik Zahl, M.D., Ph.D., of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health,
Oslo, and his research team studied breast cancer rates among 119,472 women
(age 50 to 64). These research subjects were asked to participate in three
rounds of screening mammograms between 1996 and 2001, as part of the
Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program. The scientists then compared the
number of breast cancers found in this group to the rate of malignancies
among a control group of 109,784 women who were the same ages in 1992, and
who would have been invited for breast screenings if the program had been
in place that year. Cancers were tracked using a national registry. Then,
after six years, all participants were invited to undergo a one-time
screening to assess for the prevalence of breast cancer.

The researchers were surprised to find that the incidence of invasive
breast cancer was 22 percent higher in the group regularly screened with
mammography. In fact, screened women were more likely to have breast cancer
at every age.

Because the cumulative incidence among controls never reached that of the
screened group, it appears that some breast cancers detected by repeated
mammographic screening would not persist to be detectable by a single
mammogram at the end of six years, the authors stated in their report.
This raises the possibility that the natural course of some
screen-detected invasive breast cancers is to spontaneously regress.

(...)However, as some observers have pointed out, the fact that documented
observations are rare does not mean that regression rarely occurs. It may
instead reflect the fact that these cancers are rarely allowed to follow
their natural course.(...)

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Re: Mammografia - na pewno po?yteczna?

2011-03-22 15:28:14 - PapaSmorf

Orzytkownik Ikselka napisa?:
> Learn more:

mammografia to kolejna technologia, zaraz po onkologii, wywodz?ca si? z
fabryki ?mierci czyli obozow koncentracyjnych, i je?li kto? my?li ?e w
tych obozach zajmowano si? leczeniem to jest baardzo naiwny:O(
idea fabryk ?mierci opiera si? czepaniu ogromnych zyskow z zabijania!:O(
ma?o kto wie o tym ?e pojedy?cza mammografia u m?odej powoduje
kilkuprocentowy wzrost ryzyka zachorowania na nowotfur piersi (o czym si?
g?o?no nie mowi i raczej zataja si? te wa?ne informacje), dlatego taki
nacisk w mediach k?adzie si? na badania m?odych kobiet, po kilku takich
badaniach m?oda kobieta ma prawie pewny nowotfur piersi i machina
biznesu si? rozkr?ca!:O(

Re: Mammografia - na pewno po?yteczna?

2011-03-22 18:52:29 - Ikselka

Dnia Tue, 22 Mar 2011 15:28:14 +0100, PapaSmorf napisał(a):

> Orzytkownik Ikselka napisa?:
>> Learn more:
> mammografia to kolejna technologia, zaraz po onkologii, wywodz?ca si? z
> fabryki ?mierci czyli obozow koncentracyjnych, i je?li kto? my?li ?e w
> tych obozach zajmowano si? leczeniem to jest baardzo naiwny:O(
> idea fabryk ?mierci opiera si? czepaniu ogromnych zyskow z zabijania!:O(
> ma?o kto wie o tym ?e pojedy?cza mammografia u m?odej powoduje
> kilkuprocentowy wzrost ryzyka zachorowania na nowotfur piersi (o czym si?
> g?o?no nie mowi i raczej zataja si? te wa?ne informacje), dlatego taki
> nacisk w mediach k?adzie si? na badania m?odych kobiet, po kilku takich
> badaniach m?oda kobieta ma prawie pewny nowotfur piersi i machina
> biznesu si? rozkr?ca!:O(

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